I finally
had the opportunity to attend the Hampton Court Palace Flower Show back in July. I’ve been to the Chelsea Flower Show a number of times with
groups, but never Hampton, so this time I took the opportunity while visiting
family in the UK in Yorkshire to zip down the motorway to London for the show.
Given the traffic jams the show generates, the zip kept sticking, but thanks to
a 4:00 AM start, my daughter and I made it for opening time.
The shows,
both presented by the Royal Horticultural Society, are similar in content
though held at different times of year — Chelsea in spring and Hampton in
summer — which means the floral content differs, and at 25 acres (10
hectares), Hampton covers an
area more than twice the size of Chelsea. The latter is in the heart of London where
it’s easier to access by public transportation, and with a capped attendance it
does seem easier to get around. Due to the sprawling nature of Hampton and the
afternoon crowds streaming in, we did leave uncertain that we’d seen absolutely
everything, but did see plenty.
was amusingly represented by giant food cans used as planters, the sardine can
appropriately a water garden. The concept for envy was depicted by a grassy
meadow in shades of brown. On a mound in the centre, enclosed by a screen of
green Perspex, a lawn of artificial grass clipped to perfection — the grass is
always greener . . .
These were
the conceptual gardens while others were categorized as summer gardens, large
show gardens (Australia took a gold), and smaller ones described as your
garden, your budget. These modest gardens were designed to demonstrate how a
high quality garden can be achieved on a budget; the budgets for these ranging,
ahem, from twelve to twenty-five thousand dollars. I may never look at a cell
pack of annuals the same way.
attending the show with a far less restrictive budget than me had plenty of
opportunity to spend wildly. I was tempted, but had to pass on the giant bronze
statue of a snail and the huge stone horse trough planter due to my flight
baggage limit. I left the show with only a freebie packet of seed (Ammi majus).
There was so
much to see and so little time as the zippy motorway home awaited us. It was
worth the drive.
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